What's In A Tag? The Semantics of Folksonomies

Friday, Feb. 20, 2015, 1:30-2:30 p.m.

Collaborative tagging websites or systems allow users to associate freely-determined keywords (tags) with a particular resource. The collection of users’ tags and resources is referred to as a folksonomy. Unlike traditional forms of metadata, the meaning of, and relationships between, tags are not rigorously defined, limiting the usefulness of tag-based metadata.

We propose a novel approach to enrich tagging systems by constructing a tag ontology that captures semantic relationships among tags. We first consider regularities that can be exploited in a folksonomy. Then, we show how user-level tag vocabulary can be used for tag meaning disambiguation. Following this, we introduce a distance model to calculate the relatedness of two sets of resources within a folksonomy, and use this to develop a method for discovering tag relations. 


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