MI recruiters launch blog

By Stephanie Barrett | Oct. 22, 2007

MI recruiters are getting online and interactive with their new blog On the Road with MI.

Renee Bonia and Shannon Sharpe started the blog in October to give high schools students a new way to connect with them to chat about life as a Marine Institute student.  “It’s a great chance for prospective students to ask questions about careers, academic life, extra-curricular activities, or just what it’s like to study and live on our campus,” said Ms. Bonia.   

Ms. Bonia and Ms. Sharpe will also detail their travels as they visit schools and attend career fairs across Canada. They’ll also provide an update on where they are visiting each week so readers can plan to meet with them in person.

The blog is a first for the Marine Institute’s Student Recruitment Office.  “We wanted to expand our reach to as many different people and regions as we could,” explained Ms. Bonia.  “We are hoping to make it an even larger part of our recruitment efforts in the near future.”

To start reading their blog, visit http://ontheroadwithmi.blogspot.com/   


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